Art Competition Winners
After reviewing an astounding amount of artwork, we are so proud to showcase the winners of FA2H's 2023 "Beyond the Surface" Art Competition Winners! Thank you to everyone who participated and we look forward to reviewing more amazing works next year!
1st Place
Charlie Anderson (15)

My name is Charlie Andersen, I am sixteen years old. I was born in Barrie, Ontario and moved to Calgary when I was 4. Since I can remember, I have been using art to communicate my emotions, my thoughts and my imagination. Through quarantine, I spent hours at my art table, making art of whatever popped into my head (this is probably one of the only things that kept me sane during lockdown). Like many, quarantine took a toll on my mental health. I began to make drawings and paintings of how I felt, using my creativity as an outlet for my feelings. Thanks to the help of my family, specifically my older sister, for always encouraging me to push myself in my art, I am here, creating art in hope of making others happy. I am over the moon to have won this competition, as I never thought it would have ever happened.
Tanuj Samaddar (17)
2nd Place

Tanuj Samaddar is an aspiring Indianartist, illustrator and designer. He started creating artworks from an early age of 2 years, such was his passion towards creativity. Over the years he continued practising art with limited guidance and resources. By the time he attained teenage hood Tanuj started achieving some big milestones in the field of Fine Arts. He started participating in many competitions at all levels ( regional, national and international) and made his mark in those competitions. By now he has amassed over 45 International awards and 75+ National Awards in the field of Fine Arts.

Charlie Anderson
Tanuj Samaddar
Honourable Mentions
Hover over these art works to see their descriptions!

My artwork explores the idea of television, parents, generally the media at large sending conflicting messages in the sense of telling kids to behave one way; getting good grades, obeying adults and so forth, but also pressuring kids to party, be "cool", and act as crazy and wild as they did when they were young. Yet, children are reprimanded or made to feel guilty for both being too wild and for wasting their youth by not being wild enough. In projecting these ideals, multi-dimensional humans are portrayed to be simply one thing; you cannot sleep around and also be an IB student, you cannot be on honour roll and also play sports. People can only see the nerd, the jock, the popular kids, the basket cases, and so on. I portrayed this by pasting various acts typically associated with the "bad'' kids such as smoking, facial tattoos and irritated eyes from drugs over a seemingly normal person otherwise to reflect the idea of the media projecting certain archetypes over youths.

Ocean... A world emerged in the depths of our Earth and often looked at as something dark, cold and lonely, hides vibrancy and colors, unreachable by the human eye. After visiting the Toronto Ripley's Aquarium, my perspective of the underworld changed. I never enjoyed swimming or going to the beach and was never fascinated by pictures I saw online. However this experience showed me the true beauty of sea creatures and unlocked a new interest in me. The jellyfishes caught my attention the most. The lighting and space dedicated to them, has made a very mesmarising scenery. This piece represents the unnoticed colors and beauty that may be hiding in the depth.
Nathalie S.
Elizabeth B.